Mocean Dance – “Standing Alone, Facing You” (2016)

I worked closely with Sara Coffin on this show and am really excited the results. We decided I would wear many hats in addition to music composer, and it was thrilling to be so involved in her creative practice. The show played at Neptune Theatre in January, with potential plans for a tour sometime in Summer/Fall 2016.  To deliver this composition I did extensive recording sessions with household objects and instruments to create a soundscape. I primarily played piano, and hired violinist Jacques Mindreau to accompany for the session.

Set Design

I took on the role of set design and construction as part of the collaboration as well. The result was some eerie illuminated heads onstage with the dancers, mirrored by hanging lightbulbs over head. sara gillian


Here is a brief description of the idea:

Curious about the equation of two, I am creating a duet that is not about two people but about the internal and external self. A physical reality and the mirror of who we want to be. Perhaps I am entertaining a physical interpretation of my present state of mind, the present state of mind that we all experience. Is this enough? Am I enough?

If I could extract myself from my own body, what would I tell my present day self?  In this play of research I have discovered that you are your own hero and life will not go as expected. The best way to help yourself, to help others, is to show your own vulnerability. Life is an improv – Just get up and dance.